Test Results
It is extremely important that you take a proactive role in receiving your test results. While we make every attempt to contact you with test results, there are many things along the way that can hinder this intention. Our motto is no news is no news. If you do not hear from us after a week of getting a test done, whether it was a test in our office or off-site, it is important that you contact us. Only through working together can we be assured that all important test results get back to you.
You are always welcome to a copy of your test results at the time of the visit. If requesting a copy over the phone, please allow us 48 hours to process this request. You can either pick up a hardcopy of your results or we can fax a copy if you give us permission and it is a secure fax. We can also send you a copy through the portal. We do not mail out copies of lab results.